Monday, October 14, 2013

Manic Monday

One thing that hasn't changed about my pre and post 30 life is how I feel about Mondays.  Mondays make my belly ache.  No, the thought of Mondays makes my belly ache, which means I usually start to feel Monday's effects around 6pm on Sunday.  (Okay, sometimes that feeling may be from all the wine we drank, but that's a post for another day.)

Once Monday arrives, the day is usually so busy that I don't really have time to think about what day it is.  Except for those initial moments when my alarm goes off and all I want to do is throw the covers over my head and snuggle next to my husband.  Which I did this morning - minus the snuggling part.  I was too tired to snuggle.  All I wanted was sleep.  Waking up before the sun rises doesn't help much.  I love fall, but I don't care for the dark mornings.

When I was a kid, I thought this Monday dread was only felt by students about school.  Wrong. Adults feel it.  It may even be worse now.  I think about all the emails that need answered, all the papers that need reviewed, all the writing that needs completed, and the meetings that need planned.  Oh yes, going back to bed sounds like a wonderful plan.

Being a grown up stinks sometimes.  With a capital S.

What can snap me out of this and get me going?  Oh yes... you know.   I know that you know.

And there it is.  I am talking about the cup of coffee, not all the wine corks, by the way.  Wine snaps me out of my evening funk and, yes, sometimes my afternoon funk.  Again, we'll save that conversation for another day.  Coffee and red wine are two of the greatest loves in my life.  Dark chocolate would make the trifecta complete.

If I ever get pregnant, I'm screwed.  With a capital S.  Just kidding. (Sort of.)

So, now is the time I need to focus myself.  The coffee is poured.  The house is quiet (except for my Pandora playing my jams).  Time to work so that I can play outside and enjoy this fall day later.  You see?  Your pre and post 30 self isn't always that different.

P.S. Thank you Susanna Hoffs from The Bangles for inspiring this post.  Manic Monday is still one of my all time favorites.


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