Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Faves

After one busy and crazy week, I want to give shout outs to some of the highlights of my week.  

1.  Fall mornings.  The beautiful crisp mornings of fall are quite spectacular.  The only problem is, they do make me want to spend an extra five minutes in my cozy bed.  This doesn't help my problem with being on time.  But when I opened my door to this....


I felt ready to start my day.  I do love fall and I know that I don't take enough time to appreciate it and all its beauty. 

2.  Crock-Pots.  This wonderful little appliance saved me twice this week when there was no time to cook and I came home starving.  Crock-Pot dinners are really the only way I can cook a decent meal.  Other things just never work for me.  The art of cooking has pretty much defeated me (unless I can throw all my ingredients in a Crock-Pot).  I know what you are thinking.  My husband is one lucky man. 

3. Body waxing.  I had body parts waxed today.  Chia Pets no longer thrive above my eyeballs (or on other places on my body).  Waxing - not the process, but the result - is awesome.

4.  The blogging world.  AKA - Blogosphere (am I using that term correctly?).  I can't believe I am only just now learning about this.  I mean, I always knew that blogs existed, but I had no idea that I would love reading blogs as much as I do.  There are so many creative, talented, and hilarious people out there.  I mean, how in the world did I not know about The Bloggess?  I am pretty sure that Jenny Lawson is my soul mate and most definitely my new favorite person on the planet.  Her post, I'm probably going to get yelled at for this, was one of the funniest things I ever read.  Her PS was hilarious, and let me tell you, truer words may have never been spoken (or written).  Yesterday I talked about personality tests, but this test is even be better.  After all, everyone should know how much of an A-hole they actually are.  Because let's face it, we are all A-holes at some point - and for most of us, we earn this title at least once a day.  

5.  My husband, P.  Happy eight years of blissful marriage!  Okay, it hasn't all been blissful, but it has been an amazing ride and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.  No matter how much I might complain or poke fun, P is such a special person and my best friend.  I am so lucky to call him my husband.  (Even if he doesn't use hand soap.)

By the way, Karma did pay me a visit today.  After making fun of P for locking himself out of the house yesterday (I really am an A-hole!), I left my office key's at home and so I was locked out of my office today.  Awesome.  

6.  The full moon.  Because I now have an excuse for all of my crazy behavior this past week. 

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